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We were required to create one animation teaser for our final year project, so we chose to create one 2D animation teaser. We must complete this project in a group of four people, and our group's name is LION PRODUCTION. "Missing" is the title of our short animation. This project begin in October 2021 and completed in February 2022. For this project, I am in charge of designing the environment, as well as contributing to other aspects such as video production, editing, poster creation, and so on. So, I've included all of my process artwork below and we also have our website created by me. Love to visit our website : HOME | MISSING ( 


First, we have five environments for the entire animation storey, but we only use two of them. The five environments are the living room, the mental hospital room, the shopping mall, street 1 and street 2. We only use two environments the shopping mall and the living room.  You can visit our website if you want to see the process making  environment from the referencess to final environment.


I need to create several videos for this environment, such as a turnaround and simulation video.


Aside from handling environment design, I also contribute to character design by creating turnaround drawings, turnaround videos, and expression videos for each character. There are four characters in this story. The main character is Ai Lin, the mother is Mrs. Chan, the father is Mr. Chan, and the last character is Stranger.


We need to make two posters for this animation teaser. The first is a teaser poster, while the second is the final poster. Those posters were drawn by another member and coloured by me. For the first teaser poster, I need to make a few changes to the hair, as well as change the colour of the hair from brown to black.


We need to make merchandise to promote this animation. First, there is no limit to how many products we can make, and I make a lot of merchandise like boxes, stickers, CDs, hoodies, and so on, but after a discussion with our team and supervisor, we need to change our product. So we decided that each member would have to create four products based on our stories. My finished product includes a wristband, hand sanitizer, necklace, and pepper spray. A brief explanation of the product is that the necklace matches Mrs. Chan's bracelet, that the wirstless and paper spray can be purchased by parents and given to their children to avoid the risk of being kidnapped, and that the last product is hand sanitizer a priority these days. Each product has a unique design that I created using the character and the title Missing.

designer of websites

This isthe surface and here is the link.

final teaser animation missing

I'm in charge of the transitions in this teaser video's technical. I was going to use Adobe After Effects for the transition, but it suddenly broke, so I had to change my plans and use Adobe Premier Pro instead. So this is our teaser animation Missing.


WhatsApp Image 2022-03-05 at 11_edited.jpg

I'll show you a few images of  Best Final Year Project AH 17 and Certificate of Participation [ 05 March 2022 ]

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